Eren and Bocelli's unique bond

Eren and Bocelli

Eren came to our sanctuary after she was found abandoned and in foal in 2015. Later that year when her colt foal was born, it was obvious that he had sight difficulties and tests proved that he was blind. 

By carefully positioning the foal we called Bocelli, our staff made certain that he was able to feed from Eren until the young donkey could find his own way to his mother.

Five years on, the two donkeys have a unique bond and are almost always found together. Eren is a calm and protective mother and her son is visibly relaxed and content in her presence.

Because he is blind, Bocelli recognises our staff based on their scents and sounds of their voices. When he is not with Eren, Bocelli loves to roll in the dust or play at losing his collar with his donkey friend Zeb!