Donkeys Sid and Sal bring joy to three generations of family

Sid and Sal visiting Kathleen in her garden

Since being rehomed with the Kinahan family in 2017, donkeys Sid and Sal have formed a special bond with Guardians Pauline Kinahan, ten-year-old June and 101-year-old Kathleen.

In 2016, we rescued an abandoned brown stallion – later named Sid - with horribly overgrown and twisted hooves in the West of Ireland.

In the same year, a ten-year-old grey gelding - later named Sal - was relinquished into our care from Northern Ireland after his owner became too ill to care for him.

After arriving at our sanctuary in Mallow, Sid and Sal formed an unbreakable bond, and your continued support allowed us to devote the time needed to prepare both donkeys for rehoming.

We worked with Pauline Kinahan and her family in Co. Westmeath to prepare the Guardian home for the two donkeys, and the whole family worked together to provide suitable shelter and land. 

Eva Ellis, Donkey Welfare Adviser, recently visited Pauline Kinahan to see how Sid and Sal are doing at their Guardian home.

In particular, she was pleased to see how they have formed a close bond with ten-year-old June, Pauline’s niece, who shows them so much love and care.

June in Sid and Sal's shed with her calendar

Ten-year-old June in Sid and Sal's shed with our calendar. 

Eva says: “June's enthusiasm for helping with the donkeys was lovely to see. When the farrier, vet, or dentist visits, she always wants to be around.

“June is an incredible helper when it comes to Sid and Sal and she doesn’t shy away from collecting dung samples or assisting with the donkeys’ worming programme.”

As a Christmas gift from family, June was overjoyed to receive her adoption pack for Bella, an adoption donkey who lives at our sanctuary, and is eager to meet Bella later this summer for the first time.

She now proudly displays our calendar in Sid and Sal's shed, featuring all of our wonderful adoption donkeys, including Bella.

June is not the only Kinahan family member to have built a bond with Sid and Sal since they were rehomed five years ago. 

Pauline's mother, Kathleen Kinahan, who turns 101 this summer, would walk down her field every day to visit Sid and Sal.

As Kathleen is unable to walk on her own this year, Pauline and her family let the donkeys wander up to Kathleen's yard where they spend hours relaxing in the garden.

Pauline says: “Sid and Sal have had a calming effect on us all and brought so much joy to our lives.”

Your generous support allows us to continue rehoming more donkeys like Sid and Sal to loving guardians like the Kinahan family who can help them live a better life.